@objc public class CoreDataMultiFetchedResultsController: NSObject
- A
allows to fetch objects with a fetch request across multipleNSManagedObjectContext
instances. - It can be useful when getting results out of a shared synchronizer, since objects from different record zones will be kept in different Core Data contexts.
Createa a new controller with results from the contexts in the given stack provider.
@objc public init(stackProvider: DefaultCoreDataStackProvider, fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>)
Parameters- stackProvider: The Core Data stack provider that contains the contexts to get results from.
- fetchRequest: Fetch request to use to with Core Data to get the objects.
A delegate to be called when the internal controllers change as a result of new shared being accepted/removed.
@objc public weak var delegate: CoreDataMultiFetchedResultsControllerDelegate?
List of NSFetchedResultsController
used to get the results.
@objc public private(set) var fetchedResultsControllers: [NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>]!
Fetch request used to get the results.
@objc public let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>
linked to this controller. This is the object that provides a new Core Data stack to the synchronizer when a new record zone is added to it –user accepted a share, for example.
@objc public let provider: DefaultCoreDataStackProvider