SyncKit for Core Data
Import SyncKit and create a synchronizer:
import SyncKit
synchronizer = CloudKitSynchronizer.privateSynchronizer(containerName: "your-iCloud-container-name", managedObjectContext: self.coreDataStack.managedObjectContext)
// Synchronizesynchronizer.synchronize { error in ...}
This creates a CloudKitSynchronizer
object configured with a CoreDataAdapter
for your model. The adapter registers changes in your model objects so they can be uploaded next time you synchronize data, and it applies changes from downloaded records to your model.
By default, the adapter will save changes to your Core Data context for you during synchronization, but custom logic can be provided by assigning a custom CoreDataAdapterDelegate
Identifying objectsIn order for SyncKit to be able to map CloudKit records to your objects your Core Data classes should conform to PrimaryKey and implement its
static func primaryKey() -> String
method to return the name of a stored property that should be used as primary key. Primary keys should have a unique value for each object of the same class, and this value should not change in the lifetime of the object.
For example, in the example project we have:
@objc(QSCompany)public class QSCompany: NSManagedObject, PrimaryKey { public static func primaryKey() -> String { return "identifier" }}
extension QSCompany {
@nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<QSCompany> { return NSFetchRequest<QSCompany>(entityName: "QSCompany") }
@NSManaged public var identifier: String? @NSManaged public var name: String? @NSManaged public var sortIndex: NSNumber? @NSManaged public var employees: NSSet?
func insertCompany(name: String) { let company = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "QSCompany", into: managedObjectContext) as! QSCompany company.identifier = UUID().uuidString = name try?}
Previous versionsIf you were using SyncKit before version 0.3.0 and you would like to adopt primary keys, check the migration guide.
LimitationsSynCloudKit doesn't support ordered relations relationships, so those won't work. At this moment SyncKit also doesn't support many-to-many relationships.